Travel Destination: Tamansari...another amazing heritage site

Main Entrance

Yogyakarta has a lot of heritage sites. Temples, Javanesse royal palace, and now....this place is a part of the royal palace. It is called Tamansari, a place for the King and his family for relaxing. Located not too far from the palace, this place is really beautiful and amazed me.
Built in 1758 and designed by Portuguese architect, this building has a bit of Javanesse an European taste..

The path leading to complex

Taman Sari consists of three main parts.
   1. The sacred
       This place was usually used for Sultan's meditation  place.
       This place is located at the front area of this complex
   2. The pool 
The pool

 This area consists of two ponds seperated by multistory building. Pool water out of the animal statue. This area is decorated with pots.

The pot

The building that surrounding the pool once was used for Sultan's resting place. This building consists of Sultan's bed room.

Sultan's bed room

  3. Pulau Cemeti
      This area consists of Pulau Cemeti, Sumur Gumuling, and underground tunnel that connects 
      Taman Sari and the Palace.
      This place was usually used for entertaining Sultan guests in a daylight also as a fort. 
      From this place, we can see Yogyakarta's scenery. In the old days, this place was surrounding
      with a lake. But after the earthquake in 2006, this place is ruin and the top floor  in this building
       is forbidden to visit.

Pulau Cemeti

Pulau Cemeti

In the old days, Sumur Gumuling is a  mosque with unique architecture and shape. 
The words “Sumur Gumuling” mean a well that is surrounded by an Islamic congregation. The leader of the prayer does not need a speaker since the circular construction cause echoes that make his voice heard louder.

Inside Sumur Gumuling

The tunnel inside Sumur Gumuling

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